Is Sales Success Dependent on the Attitude of the Salesperson or the Prospect?

Across the globe, I’ve been privy to inspiring tales of how salespeople are genuinely transforming lives.

Many businesses worldwide confess to feeling the weight of not meeting their targets.

“The market has become challenging”, “It’s not what it used to be”, “People just aren’t spending like before”—the list of reasons seems endless.

However, I firmly believe this perception is flawed.

Offering genuine value and demonstrating a commitment to your customers will invariably lead to sales.


While monetary flow might vary, the truth remains that money is always in circulation.

It might shift from one business to another, but records indicate that retail revenue is surging in countries like NZ and Australia with some categories.

Businesses need to adapt and reconsider the channels and methods their clients use to make purchases.

It’s undeniable: traditional media like television no longer dominate our lives. The internet reigns supreme.

Potential customers often research your products—and those of your competitors—long before they set foot in your store or establishment.

Information is Power.

I’ve observed a common trend among thriving businesses during my interactions across the world.

They consistently train their employees, keeping them informed about new products or services, and empowering them to make decisions. Regular training sessions, often weekly, are the norm.

A lack of product knowledge can be detrimental.

Consider the experience of walking into a store and encountering an employee who seems clueless about their products. Such encounters erode trust and confidence, prompting customers to look elsewhere.

The Secret to Amplified Sales?

Being informed about a product not only provides tangible knowledge but also confers an intangible benefit to the salesperson: a boost in attitude and confidence. This newfound confidence is palpable to customers.

Boost Your Team’s Product Knowledge with These Exercises:

  1. Pop Quiz: Jot down 10 benefits of your top-selling products and identify what you believe is the most crucial advantage for customers.
  2. Knowledge Test (One-on-One or Team Meeting): Quiz each team member on those products. This can be a written examination or part of their regular performance reviews.

Implementing these straightforward exercises can provide your business with a competitive edge and potentially increase your share of the market revenue.

Wishing you a successful day in sales!