In Dan Kennedy’s book ‘No BS Sales Success’, he talks about a real estate agent called Pebby B.

Here is an abridged version…

“Peggy B gets 70% of her listings from referrals and 30% from advertising. When someone wants to list with Peggy, they get put onto one of her three assistants. The assistants vet the clients to see if they fulfil Peggy’s requirements for listing. If they do not, they are passed on to other real estate agents.

If they do, a DVD on Peggy’s successes is sent directly that day to the potential listed property owner.

An appointment is made, but the assistant arrives first (Peggy comes 20 minutes later). While the assistant is there, they go over the data of similar sales in the area, how long sales have taken, price expectations, etc.

Peggy then calls to let the client know she is on the way, arrives, and listens to her assistant’s overview of the property. Next, while they talk, Peggy asks if it is okay for the assistant to take a few photos of the house. (This is a trial close)  

Why would they let her go ahead if they were not interested in listing the house?

Peggy then uses her flip book and goes over the ten steps they will operate together to get the best price for the house. An agreement is produced that has been partially completed by the assistant from the information obtained over the phone.

Last year Peggy listed 92% of the homes where she presented this listing immediately, without delay.”

I highly recommend you buy this book to get hundreds of ideas for your sales presentations. I fight for every referral I can get; I have a system in my book to tease up clients before you present your offering.

Any agent in real estate can execute this process with some planning and understanding of what and how essential referrals and structured presentations are.

Please share your ideas on what you do when you first meet a client.

Good selling.


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Good selling.


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