Prospecting Reimagined: Position Yourself as the Trusted Advisor and Win Clients Effortlessly

Over the past week, I had the opportunity to address one of my client’s most pressing concerns: how to improve their prospecting efforts.

Whether you’re selling a product or a service, mastering the art of prospecting is crucial for the success of any sales organization.

It allows you to tap into the lifeblood of your business and unlock new opportunities.

Now, let me share with you a system that can revolutionize your approach to prospecting, setting you apart from your competitors and positioning you as the go-to expert in your field.

Stand Out, Be Memorable: The Power of Personal Branding in Prospecting.

The key ingredient in this system is credibility. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced rookie, your clients want to be reassured of your credibility before committing to a business relationship.

Every day, they scrutinize you and evaluate what you have to offer.

Imagine if you could establish yourself as the undeniable authority and the first name that comes to mind when they think of sales in your industry.

Well, here’s the secret: shift your focus from hunting the prey to positioning yourself as the client’s guide to understanding your expertise.

Countless case studies have shown the transformative power of this approach. As a business, you have the opportunity to transcend the traditional salesperson role and become a trusted advisor, someone your clients rely on for valuable insights.

Crafting a Compelling Bio: Your Gateway to Captivating Prospects

One effective way to achieve this is by crafting a compelling bio that encapsulates your professional journey and highlights your unique qualities. Let’s break down the process into four simple steps:

  1. Tell your story concisely: In just 25 to 30 words, describe yourself professionally. Emphasize your qualifications, experience, and any transferrable skills you’ve acquired from other sectors within your industry. This concise summary should capture the essence of who you are as a sales professional.

  2. Showcase your achievements: Share notable accomplishments from your business and professional life. Whether you’ve excelled in sports, earned an MBA, or successfully raised a family, demonstrate that you are a multi-dimensional individual, not just a marketing machine. Highlighting your achievements helps establish credibility and fosters a deeper connection with potential clients.

  3. Personalize with a photo: In today’s digital age, a well-captured photo can enhance your personal brand. You don’t need a professional photographer—your mobile phone or a friend/colleague can help you take a high-quality picture. Consider using a black-and-white photo for a touch of professionalism, but make sure it reflects your authentic self.

  4. Define your unique value proposition: Craft a positioning statement that clearly communicates what sets you apart. Your positioning statement should instantly convey to the client who you are and what you offer. For instance, consider the example of my real-estate friend, whose positioning statement is, “Dedicated to Superior Customer Service.” This concise statement demonstrates a commitment to providing exceptional service, instantly differentiating them from the competition.

Establish Credibility, Win Trust: The Key to Prospecting Success

So, as you embark on the journey of prospecting for the rest of 2023  I encourage you to implement these strategies. Embrace the power of credibility and become the go-to expert in your industry.

Take the time to develop your bio, highlighting your story, achievements, and unique value proposition. Remember, selling is about building relationships and establishing trust. By leveraging these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to prospecting success.

Wishing you the best in your sales endeavours for the balance of 2023, and please feel free to share these insights with others.


PLUS: Whenever you’re ready…

Here are 3 ways I can help you make more sales in your business – whether your business is big or small.

1. Try the new 7 Days to Sales Success Framework.

Make More Sales in 7 days. The framework of everything you need to get started in making more sales in your business. The Sales Success Framework is based on a simple 7-day challenge. Click here to find out how you can grow your business by making more sales.

2. Join our Private Facebook Group – The Salesmindset Inner Circle. Get all the latest up-to-date sales ideas.

Every week we do Facebook Live updates on all things sales. Tips, ideas, free coaching, and much more. Join me by clicking here.

3. Work with me One-on-One.

If you’re a business owner, small or large or in the professional services you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from doubling your lead flow, revenue and impact. Jump on a FREE 15-minute Brainstorm call with me by clicking here.

Get Your Sales Groove On in Just a Week: Here’s How!

Get Your Sales Groove On in Just a Week: Here’s How!

Sunday: Plan

Your Week and Get Your Hustle On Set aside half an hour to plan your week, but don’t stop there!

It’s important to make sure you establish your sales goals and write them down.

Remember, without clear goals, you’re just wandering around in the dark. Make prospecting, appointments, and client issues a top priority this week.

Monday: Get Chatty with Your Clients, STAT!

Are you talking to your clients yet? Don’t wait another minute! Schedule your first appointment for 9:00 am sharp and get the conversation started. Time to put on your big boy/girl pants and make some sales!

Tuesday: Express Your Gratitude (And Get Some More Business)

Feeling a little stuck at your desk? Write five thank-you cards to your clients and remind them how much you appreciate them. Gratitude not only feels great, but it can also be a powerful motivator. Make it a weekly thing! 

Wednesday: Break a Sweat and Get Your Creative Juices Flowing Get your gym clothes on and hit the gym.

It’s time to clear your mind and get inspired. Sometimes, all you need is a little sweat and some endorphins to come up with a genius idea. Let’s get moving!

Thursday: Testimonials, Testimonials, Testimonials!

Do you want testimonials? You got it! Make four service calls today with one goal in mind: getting testimonials. Send a feedback form and ask your clients for a LinkedIn recommendation. At, we have a simple testimonial form you can use for free. Just hit me up (email at the bottom of the article).

Friday: Reflect and Plan Like a Boss It’s time to reflect on your achievements and plan for the following week.

Take some time to think about what worked and what didn’t work this week. Do you have any appointments? Have you planned your sales meeting and shared the agenda with your team? Use this time to plan for Monday and get ahead of the game.

Saturday: Unwind, Relax, and Find Your Balance Take some time off and relax.

Spend time with your family, do something you love, and reflect on your work. Remember, balance is the key to being a successful salesperson. 

Email for a free testimonial form.


Whatever career you decide to take in sales, getting some help is always good.

That’s why you can get FREE in your inbox every morning for 7 days; the 7-Day Sale Challenge.

Hop on over here and subscribe.

For more content like this, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training. He was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. He has hired hundreds of salespeople around the world.

He made a lot of mistakes when it came to hiring his superstars. Check out his How to Hire A Super Salesperson Each and Every timeIt’s packed with tips and ideas on how to hire great salespeople. Don’t ever Hire Bad Salespeople Ever Again. Promise!

Build Your Success Wall and Watch Your Sales Soar: Here’s What You Need to Know.

Build Your Success Wall and Watch Your Sales Soar: Here’s What You Need to Know

Do you have a success wall?

If not, it’s time to start building one.

Discover the key elements of a strong sales plan and how to implement them in your business.

I have a sales system that looks at building five key processes in a business, and one of the key elements is to build strong sales plans.

Let me share a story with you: I was on a company’s senior management team, and we created a hit list of all the clients we did not have as clients. Knowing that we created the ‘Wall of Clients’ inside our sales office.

We monitored our competition and selected 30-40 clients who did not work with us, decided if they were a good fit, and went after them.

Visualize your goals and visually represent your progress with a success wall.

We visualized our goal and created a huge board in our sales office.

Our goal was to have those clients working with us within 12 months, and that simple idea turned our business around.

You can do the same. Create a top 40-50 clients who fit your profile of an ideal client, write them up on a board, allocate them to your team members, build sales strategies around acquiring those clients, set a time frame, and celebrate every new success.

But if you’re unsure where to start or want guidance on building your success wall, I invite you to book a 15-minute consultation with me. We’ll discuss how my ADA programme and sales strategies can help you achieve your goals. Just click on the link to my appointment page and schedule a call today.

Book your FREE 15-minute Brainstorm call with me today by clicking here, and let’s work together to make your business dreams a reality. Remember, whenever you’re ready, I’m here to help.

Have a good week selling your stuff. 

Mike (The Sales Expert) Brunel 



Looking to take your business to the next level and make more sales? Look no further!

Here are three ways I can help you achieve your goals and drive revenue:

Try the new 7 Days to Sales Success Framework – an all-in-one solution that gives you everything you need to start making more sales in your business.

This proven framework allows you to grow your business and see results in just seven days. Don’t wait – click here to learn more and start your journey to success today.


Join our Private Facebook Group – The Sales Mindset Inner Circle – and get access to the latest sales ideas and tips.

Our weekly Facebook Live updates cover everything you need to know to stay ahead of the game, and our community of like-minded individuals is the perfect place to network and grow. Join us now by clicking here.


Work with me One-on-One to take your business to new heights. As a small or large business owner or professional service provider, you might be just a few strategies, tactics, and tools away from doubling your lead flow, revenue, and impact.

Book your FREE 15-minute Brainstorm call with me today by clicking here, and let’s work together to make your business dreams a reality. Remember, whenever you’re ready, I’m here to help.


Mind Your Mindset

How to Develop a Winning Mindset for Sales Success.

In my book “Selling is not optional”,  I outline the essential steps needed to navigate the sales journey successfully.

However, before delving deeper into these steps, it’s crucial to examine how our perception of sales influences our understanding of that journey.

Overcoming Negative Beliefs:

Sales are shaped more by how you think about it than by what you do.

We are talking about your mindset, your core beliefs about yourself as a salesperson, and about selling itself. Unfortunately, all too often, these beliefs are negative and limiting. However, when you change your perspective, you also change your results.

People often think selling is hard and assume that the ability to sell is an inborn trait.

They tell themselves, “I can’t sell. I tried it once and it didn’t work. I will look really stupid if I don’t close the deal.”

These limiting beliefs lead many talented people to conclude that they hate sales and will never be any good at it.

In contrast, people who have a more productive mindset around sales tend to think, “Sales is easy.

Salespeople aren’t born with something I don’t have. I can actually do this stuff.

If I have a great product and provide excellent service, then I should be able to make a sale.

After all, the customer gets a real solution to their problem from me.” A positive sales mindset always comes from understanding that a customer is a person with needs, wants, and desires that you can help them fulfil.

When you think about a sale that way, it becomes much easier to talk to that person about their problems and ask how you can make those problems disappear. The trick is to talk yourself out of the limited mindset and into a more expansive perspective.

In conclusion, having the right mindset is critical to success in sales.

It’s essential to view the customer as a person with unique needs, wants, and desires, and to approach every interaction with empathy and a problem-solving mindset.

By doing so, you can build stronger relationships with your clients and achieve better results in your sales journey.

Have a great week, everyone.



Here are 3 ways I can help you make more sales in your business – whether your business is big or small.

1. Try the new 7 Days to Sales Success Framework.

Make More Sales in 7 days. The framework of everything you need to get started in making more sales in your business. The Sales Success Framework is based on a simple 7-day challenge. Click here to find out how you can grow your business by making more sales.

2. Join our Private Facebook Group – The Salesmindset Inner Circle. Get all the latest up-to-date sales ideas.

Every week we do Facebook Live updates on all things sales. Tips, ideas, free coaching, and much more. Join me by clicking here.

3. Work with me One-on-One.

If you’re a business owner, small or large or in professional services you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from doubling your lead flow, revenue and impact. Jump on a FREE 15-minute Brainstorm call with me by clicking here.

Selling at Warp Speed: How to Make a Quick Buck (Without Breaking the Law)

The Fast and the Furious: Sales Edition

Have you heard of Speed Selling?

It’s a great way to launch a company, and I have participated in it several times.

Over the years, it has become more sophisticated, and my old company, NRS Media, (since sold) has fine-tuned it to launch a brand new media company into profit from day one. I’ll delve more into that idea later.

How a small town radio station became the birthplace of Speed Selling.

My first experience with Speed Selling was at a part-time radio station in a small town with a population of 15,000 people.

As FM radio developed in my country, many potential operators were given temporary licenses to run 90-day radio stations, usually in tourist towns.

The potential bidder who was proposing a full-time license used this temporary 90-day station concept to build credibility and see if a format they used would be accepted by the community. If they did, they were granted a full-time FM license.

Each salesperson was given a specific “show to sell,” such as the “Top Ten at Ten,” the “American Top 40 with Rick Dees,” sponsorships, and any generic music program that could be sold off for 90 days.

The trick was that there was no set price on the program, just a guideline.

The sales rep could not go below the number, but they could go above it. The highest price got the sale, and the sales manager was the final judge.

The competition was held for an hour for each show, and each rep had to go out and cold call, sell the product, and get the client to sign an agreement with the time and price they were prepared to pay. If the price was acceptable to the sales manager, the rep got the next sale, and off they went with a 15-minute bonus.

The other reps had to sit around for 15 minutes before they could go out and sell the next program. It proved very successful and loads of fun.

How Bootcamps Helped NRS Media salespeople become confident and Effective.

One to Many is another tool for Speed Sell.

This idea built my previous company NRS Media from zero sales to $350 million annually.

It was a seminar-based model where business owners were invited to a hotel to hear the latest trends and ideas on advertising.

Usually, there were groups of 15-20 advertisers. At the end of the presentation, every attendee was offered an advertising package, usually a 12-month investment. On average, we could generate $600-$1 million in sales using this model over a week!

Taking action and speed in selling is very important.

How Bootcamps Helped NRS Media Salespeople Become Confident and Effective.

Often the one ingredient missing is training, which cannot be ignored.

I wrote all the sales and marketing manuals (playbooks) at NRS Media and perfected the execution, but without our famous Bootcamps, our people would never have had the success they achieved.

(I am going to expand on the power of Bootcamps in a future blog. )

Training is the one neglected tool that gets you the most sales.

Many companies ignore it because it takes time, but as the saying goes, “We could not afford not to do it.”

In conclusion, Speed Selling is an effective way to sell products and launch a company. It can be adapted to any business if you have a product launch that requires speed. There are a few more Speed Selling ideas that I would love to share, so find a way to sell more of your stuff.

As always.

Find a way to sell more of your stuff….

Mike (speed sell ) Brunel

PLUS, whenever you are ready…here are four ways I can help you grow YOUR business.
My favourite thing to do is show you what’s working right now. It’s not as good as being a client, but it’s close.
2. Take advantage of a FREE 45-minute consultation
Need some sales support? Make an appointment, and let me take you through the past, present, and future templates.
3. Work with me one-on-one
If you are wanting to take your product or service from face-to-face to virtual selling, then I have a product that may be able to help you. You can get started for as little as $250 a month. If you’re interested then email and put ‘Virtual Selling’ in the subject line…tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training, and was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. His products and services are now sold in 23 countries and in 11 languages generating $350 million annually in sales for his clients. Mike sold the company in 2015 and now spends his time following his passions which include rugby, travel. His promise: “I can find thousands of dollars in your business within minutes – GUARANTEED”  TRY ME

If Media Companies Can Do it- Why can’t you?

A Valuable Lesson.

I learned many valuable lessons throughout my 30 years of selling advertising to companies of all sizes. I began as a door-to-door stationary salesperson in Sydney, selling everything from pencils to exercise books.

I then started selling carpet services in London, utilizing promotional brochures to generate leads. It was during this time that I realized the importance of face-to-face sales.

Direct media selling was my next endeavour, where I discovered the challenge of selling something invisible – a service rather than a physical product.

Selling the Invisible

Advertising is intangible, existing as airtime or a gap in a TV program. Building trust became critical to my success, and I quickly learned the value of meeting clients in person to establish a relationship.

As my career progressed, I discovered the power of selling to many.

When I started NRS Media, my partner Doug Gold introduced me to the concept of a “membership program.” Advertisers could purchase advertising time at a discounted rate, but only if they committed to a 12-month automatic debit payment plan.

This approach generated over $1 million in advertising commitment before the media company launched.

I developed a sales system around this model, generating over $1 billion in revenue for our media partners worldwide.

Using a “one-to-many” presentation model, our seminars boasted attendance rates of 70-80%, with closing rates as high as 50%.

The key to success lies in developing a process for your product, which can be easily accomplished digitally. Many companies are already excellently utilizing the one-to-many approach to distributing their information.

In conclusion, while face-to-face sales remain essential, selling to many through a free seminar or digital process has become increasingly crucial.

I encourage you to have fun selling your products this week, utilizing the power of technology and personal relationships to build lasting connections with your clients.


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, and expanded it into a global media sales and training powerhouse. He was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. His products and services are now sold in 23 countries and 11 languages, generating $350 million annually in sales for his clients. Mike sold the company in 2015 and now spends his time following his passions, including rugby and travel. His promise: “I can find thousands of dollars in your business within minutes – GUARANTEED”  TRY ME