The Knowledge

I know I talked about the importance of mindset in my last video, and how much that plays a part in the selling journey. Insight, in the context of sales, means understanding your own product. It also means understanding your own businesses strengths and weaknesses....

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Mind Your Mindset

In many of my blogs I talk about recognising steps needed to navigate the sales journey successfully. I am going to share in these upcoming blogs, the steps of that sales journey. These are taken from my book –Selling is not optional  Before we get more deeply...

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Walking The Talk – Sales is easy

“Sales is Easy” We are all in sales aren’t we? Sales often gets a bad rap. I believe that selling is an essential element in any business and, often, it’s your own beliefs around “sales" that prevent you from being successful. I invite you to move into the mindset...

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The Butterfly Effect

 In 1963 meteorologist Edward Lorenz announced a stunning discovery. For decades, people had viewed the universe as a large machine in which causes matched effects. “Cause and effect” it is sometimes known as, or “what you reap you sow.” He discovered The Butterfly...

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