Steal this referral Idea Real Estate Agents use.

In Dan Kennedy’s book ‘No BS Sales Success,’ he discusses the sales approach of a real estate agent named Peggy B.

In Peggy B’s real estate business, 70% of her listings come from referrals, while 30% are generated through advertising.

When potential clients express interest in listing with Peggy, they are directed to one of her three assistants.

These assistants evaluate the clients to determine if they meet Peggy’s listing requirements. The assistants refer them to other real estate agents if they don’t.

Peggy’s Sales Strategy.

If the clients meet Peggy’s criteria, a DVD showcasing Peggy’s successes is sent to them on the same day.

An appointment is then scheduled, with the assistant arriving first, followed by Peggy 20 minutes later.

During the assistant’s visit, they review relevant data such as comparable sales in the area, average sales duration, and price expectations.

Before Peggy arrives, she contacts the client to let them know she is on her way. Once Peggy comes, the assistant provides an overview of the property, and while they converse, Peggy asks if it’s alright for the assistant to take a few photos of the house.

This comment to a potential client serves as a trial close, gauging the client’s interest in listing the property.

Peggy then utilises her flip book to explain the ten-step process they will undertake together to secure the best price for the house.

An agreement is prepared in advance by the assistant using the information gathered during the initial phone conversation.

Remarkably, Peggy immediately secured listings for 92% of the homes where she presented this listing approach without any delays.

Success Leaves Clues.

I highly recommend you purchase the book to gain hundreds of ideas for enhancing your sales presentations.

Obtaining referrals is emphasised as a crucial aspect, and the book provides a system for priming clients before presenting your offering.

I work with real estate agents to adopt this process with careful planning and a thorough understanding of the significance of referrals and well-structured presentations.

As for your question on what to do when first meeting a client, it would depend on your specific industry and circumstances.

However, here are some general ideas:

  1. Establish rapport: Build a connection and establish a positive rapport with the client. Show genuine interest in their needs, concerns, and goals.
  2. Active listening: Pay close attention to the client’s preferences, requirements, and pain points. An active listener will help you tailor your approach and provide relevant solutions.
  3. Ask probing questions: Ask open-ended questions to gather more information and better understand the client’s situation. This will enable you to provide more targeted recommendations.
  4. Demonstrate expertise: Showcase your knowledge and expertise in your field. This can be done by sharing relevant success stories, case studies, or testimonials from satisfied clients.
  5. Present a value proposition: Clearly articulate your unique value and how it addresses the client’s specific needs and challenges. Highlight the benefits they can expect by working with you.
  6. Address objections: Be prepared to handle any complaints or concerns the client may have. Anticipate common objections and have well-thought-out responses that address their doubts effectively.
  7. Proposal or next steps: Based on the client’s requirements and your discussion, present a proposal or outline the next steps in the process. This could include scheduling a follow-up meeting, providing more detailed information, or initiating the necessary paperwork.

Remember, every client interaction is unique, and it’s essential to tailor your approach based on their individual needs and circumstances. Adapt your strategy as needed and always strive to provide exceptional service and value.

Mike (referrals)  Brunel.

Good selling.


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