Have you played the before, during, and after game?

Every sale is set up before, made during, and then finalised, after.

We can influence all of these areas and ultimately, almost guarantee that a sale is made.

So, what do I mean?


Before every sale begins to take shape, we decide that we want to work with a particular client. We prospect them, qualify them, and prepare an approach, using all our knowledge and understanding of what that client may want, or need.

The work that we do at the beginning before the first contact is ever made is something that can make, or break, a sale.

This must be one of the most important cycles in the sale. Many salespeople do, however, neglect it. Without organising their thoughts before the sale, they march on in and make a bad job of the next point.


During an interview or first meeting, it is time to listen for clues, ideas and breakthroughs that you might just be able to solve for your client.

 If you are quiet, ask the right questions and listen carefully; your subconscious might just take over and provide you with an answer to what your client may be talking about. Great ideas come from your subconscious mind when it is quiet and open to information.

By listening during this meeting, and not (as so many salespeople do) talking, the relaxed mind takes over.

I think part of the reason we do not have breakthroughs with many of our clients is that we are not open to them.

It’s been said that a breakthrough is a sudden, dramatic, and important event or discovery.

‘A light went on’ or ‘I have the answer’ are terms that spring to mind.

However, you will NOT have a breakthrough if you think:

  1. I CAN’T
  2. This person will not BUY my product
  3. They DON’T like my company
  4. They will not BUY ME


After you discover this breakthrough, you will realise that the further you distance yourself  from selling your stuff and actually listening for clues, finding a way to quiet your mind, looking for the reason not to talk, you might get to work with that client long after the first contact.

Good selling.

Whatever career you decide to take in sales, it’s always good to get some help.

That’s why you can get FREE in your inbox every morning for 7 days; the 7 Day Sale Challenge.

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Mike Brunel started mikebrunel.com after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training, and was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. He has hired hundreds of salespeople around the world.

He made a lot of mistakes when it came to hiring his superstars. Check out his How to Hire A Super Salesperson Each and Every timeIt’s packed with tips and ideas on how to hire great salespeople. Don’t ever Hire Bad Salespeople Ever Again. Promise!

It just feels right.

Having been married for quite some time, and to the same person AJH, or commonly known as the CEO I have over time learned a very valuable lesson in husband and wife relations.

Some may agree or disagree and even if you take the guidance of John Grey’s book, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, which proposes that indeed we are different, I think that in sales then it does run true in most cases.

There has of course been a lot of study about this subject from experts with wisdom from thousands of research studies, far more qualified than I ever could be.

I do however listen when AJH says that women could teach men a lot about sales.

Here is her take on it, and she does know, being in retail for 20 years in the interior design business.

Think and Feel

AJH has been a retailer for over 25 years and specialises in interior design.

Her view is that guys “think” and women “feel”. (Not all women) women, in general, respond on a ‘feeling level.

She says that a question such as “How do you feel about the cushion” gets a better response than, “What do you think about that cushion.”

As a salesperson, thinking about how you phrase questions when working with both men and women might just pay dividends.

AJH’s final comment is that women are better at picking up salespeople’s BS detectors.

That is another article all by itself.

What do you think? We would love to hear your comments.


Good selling.



  1. Here are 4 ways I can help you make more sales in your business – whether your business is big or small.1. Want to become a Sales Mindset Blueprint Member. Every month you get access to an exclusive coaching session with me as well as full access to my sales programme. Get the deets here.
  2. Try the new ‘7 Days to Sales Success’ framework. Make more sales in 7 days. The framework of everything you need to get started in making more sales in your business. The Sales Success Framework is based on a simple 7-day challenge. Click here to find out how you can grow your business by making more sales.
  3. Join our private Facebook group – The Sales Mindset Inner Circle. Get all the latest up-to-date sales ideas. Every week we do Facebook Live updates on all things sales. Tips, ideas, free coaching, and much more. Join me by clicking here
  4. Work with me one-on-one. If you’re a business owner, small or large or in the professional services you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from doubling your lead flow, revenue and impact. Jump on a FREE 15-minute brainstorm call with me by clicking here.

Good Selling

Human Needs Might Just Drive Everything, When It Comes to Sales

In this week’s blog, I talk about the importance of understanding the basic human needs we all have.

In addition, what it means to you as a salesperson, is if you discover a client’s wants and needs lots happen.

My view is that unless you do discover the needs and wants of your clients getting a sale is harder, often blocked, and as a result, your sales will not move forward.

In this blog, we talk about needs, one in particular, how to understand them, and how to use them to dig deep into the core of your client’s problem.


I think the most important human need is the need for Certainty.

It’s our desire to feel in control and to know what’s coming next, so we can feel secure.

It’s the desire for basic comfort, the need to avoid pain and stress, and also to create a good outcome.

Our need for certainty is a survival mechanism.

It affects the level of risk we’re willing to take in life—in our jobs, in our business and finally, in our relationships.

The higher the need for certainty, the less risk you’ll be willing to take, or emotionally bear.

By the way, this is where your real “risk tolerance” comes from.

Knowing that, let me ask you a question

What and how does this relate to sales?

What does your client need to feel certain about your product?

What devices and assurances can you give them about your product or service?

What certainty can they get from you versus the certainty from working with others?

What risk do you take away from them when they buy your product?

Even though the product that is similar to yours is inferior or of lower quality than yours, why do they buy it?

If you can use that as part of your sales presentation, you move towards helping to meet your client’s basic human needs.


Good selling.



  1. Here are 4 ways I can help you make more sales in your business – whether your business is big or small.1. Want to become a Sales Mindset Blueprint Member. Every month you get access to an exclusive coaching session with me as well as full access to my sales programme. Get the deets here.
  2. Try the new ‘7 Days to Sales Success’ framework. Make more sales in 7 days. The framework of everything you need to get started in making more sales in your business. The Sales Success Framework is based on a simple 7-day challenge. Click here to find out how you can grow your business by making more sales.
  3. Join our private Facebook group – The Sales Mindset Inner Circle. Get all the latest up-to-date sales ideas. Every week we do Facebook Live updates on all things sales. Tips, ideas, free coaching, and much more. Join me by clicking here
  4. Work with me one-on-one. If you’re a business owner, small or large or in the professional services you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from doubling your lead flow, revenue and impact. Jump on a FREE 15-minute brainstorm call with me by clicking here.

Good Selling