Recognising Mindset

Clearly, mindset can make all the difference in problem solving.

Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, a leading expert in motivation and psychology, and author of the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, discovered that everyone has one of two mindsets—fixed or growth.

Her work confirms what I have seen in sales over the years: people do tend to have either a fixed mindset, or a growth mindset. Why is this an interesting finding? Which mindset do you think leads to more success in sales?

Is Your Sales Mindset Set in Stone?

Consider the fixed, or closed, mindset as it applies to sales. If you have a fixed mindset, you might say certain things to yourself that freeze your thinking in one position.

Some of these things I have heard repeatedly throughout my sales career. Do you ever hear yourself saying these things to yourself?

  1. Sales is hard.
  2. Salespeople are born.
  3. I can’t sell!
  4. I tried sales once and it never worked.
  5. I will look stupid if a client says no.
  6. I have to win or lose.
  7. Will I succeed? Probably not.
  8. I hate sales, and will never be any good at it.

Chances are you have thought more than one of these things in the course of your career. With a fixed mindset, you see things only in black and white. In your mind, you hear words like “win or lose,” “right or wrong.” You assume things have always been done one way and nothing will ever change. This mindset, while understandable, may not work well for you if you sell a product or service.

Growing your Business

If you have a growth mindset, on the other hand, you may find yourself thinking differently. More and more often, you will catch yourself saying things like:

  1. Sales is easy.
  2. Salespeople are made, not born.
  3. I can’t sell . . . until the next opportunity.
  4. I tried sales once and while it was challenging, what did I learn?
  5. I need to make some more mistakes to learn.
  6. I win, lose, or get the opportunity to go back again.
  7. If I succeed—great! If I fail, what did I learn?

What if you could adopt this way of thinking, what Carol Dweck calls the “growth mindset” or “potential mindset”? It might help you push through limiting attitudes toward many things in your life or business. It might dramatically change your life. If you can catch yourself in your fixed mindset, you will start to get results much quicker. I promise.

It may be daunting to think about changing the very way you think about things. How can you do that?

  1. Look for opportunities to grow every day. When you begin to take up a growth mindset, you will find that if you are not learning new things you are actually failing. Challenging yourself to learn just one or two new things a day will build a growth mindset.
  2. Deal with failure and setbacks. Planning is an important part of growing. However, we do not always achieve all of our goals. Instead of beating ourselves up, look in a different direction and start again.
  3. Grow by doing. Ask yourself, what can I do differently? Apply a different approach to a problem and see what happens.

Download our free test- How’s my Mindset around Sales?

You will discover instantly how you rate in the sales and influencing department in your business.

Good Selling.

Here is an audio extract from my book

PLUS, whenever you are ready…here are four ways I can help you grow YOUR business.

1. Join my free Facebook group – Sales Mindset Inner Circle

My favourite thing to do is show you what’s working right now. It’s not as good as being a client, but it’s close.

2. Take advantage of a FREE 45-minute consultation

Need some sales support? Make an appointment, and let me take you through the past, present, and future template.

3. Work with me one-on-one

If you are wanting to take your product or service from face-to-face to virtual selling, then I have a product that may be able to help you. You can get started for as little as $250 a month. If you’re interested then email and put ‘Virtual Selling’ in the subject line…tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.

4. Finally, grab my new digital book on ‘How to get a predictable sales system into your business without coming across as salesy’

Click the link:


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training, and was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. He has hired hundreds of salespeople around the world.

The Power of Selling

The ability to sell is a skill that can be learned. 

Even if you consider an “Oh I can’t sell,” the key is to get your message across by being yourself.

Over the last few articles we have talked about the structure of a sale, and by learning this simple system made up of emotions, benefits, promise, proof and offers you can feel more confident and better prepared to go and sell what you love. 

If you just learn that you are pretty much there.


God-given Gift

The fact is that selling is not a God-given gift or a natural trait held by a chosen few.

And it’s not a secret hidden from view, in the corridors of the sales secret vault.  

The ability to sell your product can be learned.

In this next series of “You Can Sell Anything,” we are going to introduce you to two new ways to sell and increase your results along the way.


The Secret of Selling Like You Talk

By now if you have read my previous article you should know your client or prospect.

In most cases, you do know how to talk to them. What language to use, what emphasis to put on certain benefits of your product, and by now what promises to make. 

The secret to selling them these aspects of your product require you to have a conversation, in other words, sell like you talk.


I am no do it yourselfer!

An example I often use is a hardware store.

Most people that know me, know that fixing things and building things is not my strong point.  

However, if I do need advice on doing something around the house, I go to the local hardware store.

I usually go and ask for advice.

99% of the time that advice is given from the salesperson (I am not sure if they even see themselves as salespeople) who is relaxed and easy to understand. 

The style is conversational, they ask a few questions, listen, and then direct me or advise me.

Why can’t we do that with our clients?

I bet you that the clients that keep buying off you have a great conversation with you, weekly or every other day. 

As you talk you also want to sell your prospect with passion.


The Secret of Selling with Passion

If there is no passion there is no momentum, speed. That’s the second tip.

When you sell with passion, you come across as a believer in your product or service. 

Your presentation and voice are stronger, more persuasive.

Even more importantly your energy around your product comes through, passion is the glue that sticks the sales together.

But, there is often a BUT…

You actually have to feel the passion for your product, and the secret to that is to study your product.

What are its strengths? Product knowledge rules when it comes to passion.

If you are selling a product that does amazing things get excited about it, tell lots of people why you love it. 

Try and develop an internal passion for your product. It all gets back to your own voice, yourself

The one true you. 

Do the exercise on one of your own products. 

Or even think of your favourite movie and go and sell it to your friends using all that you have learnt in these articles. 

In the next article, I dive into exploring benefits. 


PLUS, whenever you are ready…here are four ways I can help you grow YOUR business.

1. Join my free Facebook group – Sales Mindset Inner Circle

My favourite thing to do is show you what’s working right now. It’s not as good as being a client, but it’s close.

2. Take advantage of a FREE 45-minute consultation

Need some sales support? Make an appointment, and let me take you through the past, present, and future template.

3. Work with me one-on-one

If you are wanting to take your product or service from face-to-face to virtual selling, then I have a product that may be able to help you. You can get started for as little as $250 a month. If you’re interested then email and put ‘Virtual Selling’ in the subject line…tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.

4. Finally, grab my new digital book on ‘How to get a predictable sales system into your business without coming across as salesy’

Click the link:


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training, and was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. He has hired hundreds of salespeople around the world.

The Secret Structure of a Sale. Close and Offer – Part Five

Over the last five weeks we have explored the secret structure of a sale.

Feel free to check out the past blogs to find out more.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

These secrets I have learned from my experience as a copywriter, marketer, and salesperson.

I study these processes so I can give you help and support to sell more of your product.

As we move into the close and the offer, I want you to think about how you can now apply these secrets to construct a sale.

Where do we go from here?

It’s time to close the sale. You do that by offering them something.

Here is an example of a close and offer.

This close and offer might be based off an in-house promotion or a blend of what might have been discovered during the discovery process.

Whatever way you think, you can apply an offer to the situation.


“Right now, for a limited time I’m making a special promotional offer for this bike. We want to get this electric bike to as many riders as we can.

We know that this suits everything that you are looking for in a bike and the advantages do stack up. Yes?

We talked about the price and you indicated that you would be open to a payment plan, we can do that.

But, please, you will have to approve that now to get all the benefits.

I cannot promise to hold that price for long.

If you can give me a decision now you can take the bike with you NOW!”

That an example of a close and offer. It’s to the point and may open up another conversation. Our job however is to ask for the business.

If we have followed the process, honestly this is a slam dunk.

Let’s see what we have learned.

Let summarise.

In every sale there are 6 parts.

  1. The Sales Promise
  2. The Sales Picture
  3. The Sales Proof
  4. The USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
  5. The Close
  6. The Offer.

My offer.

With all this knowledge, why not jump on a free call to talk about your offer.

I am opening this up to 5 clients who want to work through their sales offer.

Click here to select your date and time. 

Nothing more than that.

As always.

Have a great week and talk soon.


PLUS, whenever you are ready…here are four ways I can help you grow YOUR business.

1. Join my free Facebook group – Sales Mindset Inner Circle

My favourite thing to do is show you what’s working right now. It’s not as good as being a client, but it’s close.

2. Take advantage of a FREE 45-minute consultation

Need some sales support? Make an appointment, and let me take you through the past, present, and future template.

3. Work with me one-on-one

If you are wanting to take your product or service from face-to-face to virtual selling, then I have a product that may be able to help you. You can get started for as little as $250 a month. If you’re interested then email and put ‘Virtual Selling’ in the subject line…tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.

4. Finally, grab my new digital book on ‘How to get a predictable sales system into your business without coming across as salesy’

Click the link:


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training, and was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. He has hired hundreds of salespeople around the world.

The Secret of Proof – Part 4

Last week we talked about the promise, and painting a picture of a product we were selling.

Now I want to discuss proof.

You have to show them PROOF.

You have to prove to your client that what you have just said is true and you have to prove it to their satisfaction.

How do you do that?

Well in a funny kind of way you go back to the features, you know the blah, blah, blah bit.

Let me tell you about this electric bike, it uses rechargeable batteries that can travel up to 25 to 45 km/h, low cost, energyefficient, and emission-free.

You do it in  the way of a summary.

  1. The promise you made
  2. The benefit you promised
  3. The Proof

It might go like this:

Here are some facts about the bike that support the promise we talked about” or “Let me tell you about this electric bike, it uses rechargeable batteries that can travel up to 25 to 45 km/h, low cost, energyefficient, and emission-free.

Build in facts about the bike.

Or introduce a third party.

A satisfied customer – A testimonial from a happy customer that bought that exact bike.

Or Creditability- Health benefits, or facts from a local sports medicine person.

The key  with proof is to build as much creditability that all the bases are covered.

Real people are the best.

Whatever proof you can put forward helps the sale move forward.

So what is next?

It’s pinpointing why this product is unique. It’s time to tell your client why this is the bike for them.

If you know some of the features of the bike are unique and they may not get these with other bikes, then this is when you position the uniqueness.

It’s called a unique sell proposition or commonly known as a USP and sits inside my Pitch perfect Programme.

Check out the USP programme as an example on my website.

This is when you can get the client really excited about your product.

They are now ready to buy.

In our last blog in this series, we talk about the Offer and the Close.

It’s really what you are here for, TRUE?

See you next week with the last two elements of the Structure of a Sale.

Mike (nearly there) Brunel.

PLUS, whenever you are ready…here are four ways I can help you grow YOUR business.

1. Join my free Facebook group – Sales Mindset Inner Circle

My favourite thing to do is to show you what’s working right now. It’s not as good as being a client, but it’s close.

2. Take advantage of a FREE 45-minute consultation

Need some sales support? Make an appointment, and let me take you through the past, present, and future template.

3. Work with me one-on-one

If you are wanting to take your product or service from face-to-face to virtual selling, then I have a product that may be able to help you. You can get started for as little as $250 a month. If you’re interested then email and put ‘Virtual Selling’ in the subject line…tell me a little about your business and I’ll get you all the details.

4. Finally, grab my new digital book on ‘How to get a predictable sales system into your business without coming across as salesy’

Click the link:


Mike Brunel started after being a successful entrepreneur and founder of NRS Media.  He co-founded NRS Media in Wellington, New Zealand, expanded it into a global powerhouse in media sales and training, and was eventually responsible for opening offices in London, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Capetown, and Bogota. He has hired hundreds of salespeople around the world.